10 Октомври 2022г.
HELLO!! My buddy!
We have a highly educational topic for you today: the UK Seasonal Work Visa.
You must have overheard your pals discussing applying for a UK seasonal work visa, or seen news about it on Facebook or on TikTok. If you haven't heard as of yet, we owe it to you to let you know.
What is UK Seasonal Work Visa?
The UK government issues Uk Seasonal Work Visas, commonly known as temporary working visas, allowing those who wish to visit the country to work seasonally in horticulture under the sponsorship of an authorized scheme operator. A seasonal worker's 12-month tenure of employment is limited to a maximum of 6 months.
You can go on a seasonal work visa to perform tasks like collecting fruits, vegetables, flowers, agricultural, farming, and other jobs. The project has a horticultural component.
How to Apply for a Seasonal Work Visa in the UK from Nepal
In the UK, there are two seasons for farming. The initial hiring begins in March, and the second one, for a different season, begins in September or October.
You will require the following to apply for it then:
Europass CV
Cover Letter
Document You Must Submit
When you apply for a UK Seasonal Work Visa, you must provide the following paperwork:
Your sponsor will provide you a reference number for your sponsorship certificate.
a strong password or official papers proving your identity or nationality
Your possessions as proof that you can sustain yourself while you are there. for instance, you need at least £1,270 in your bank account.
A blank page in your passport is required for your visa.
All papers other than your passport that are not in English or Welsh must also be accompanied by a certified translation.