Global Communications Bulgaria Ltd.

Global Communications Bulgaria Ltd.

Global Communications Bulgaria is a Public Relations and Public Affairs, consultancy agency operating in area of Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

As a marketing and PR advisor, Global Communications Bulgaria works with leading media in Bulgarian, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia market, government and public agencies and has an insider's view of the key trends and developments driving the economics and industry.

We offer a full range of consultation, , empowering your communications strategies with the new weapons of communication.

Global Communications Bulgaria plays a strong supportive role in the activities of in-house professionals and PR departments, since doing business on a global scale today requires a multi-faceted, multicultural, multi-media and multi-technology communications approach.
Public relations communication strategies count today more than ever on new TV and multimedia platforms and need expertise and outside professional media & PR services.

Our professional experience covers areas such as PR using TV/radio/web/ new media, entertainment, video/film production & distribution, TV & web copyrights issues, public and government organizations, marketing and advertising.

With the competencies and experience of our team of PR and media practitioners we are always close at hand to provide industry specialist expertise and resources.